Friday, May 20, 2011

Forrest Gump Got it Right.

He certainly did. The one time he baby dances (albeit unintentional) he creates a baby! Wow Hollywood makes it sound so easy!

I on the other hand, am making it very difficult. I've purchased the OPK kits, the BBT thermometer, charted, felt myself up in public, stuck my fingers in my hoo-hah to check cervix positions, blah blah blah....and yet here I am, babyless. Shouldn't this be easier?

Today is in that blah period after my period is over, waiting for ovulation, which btw I'm not even sure ever happens. My cycles are horribly displaced ranging from 29 days at the shortest, to 45 days at the longest. My temperatures never indicate ovulation, but of course I could be reading them wrong.

I don't even really feel like I am able to label myself as "infertile" and don't feel like I'm actually worthy to complain about the time it's taking. I've only been trying for 9 months and there are veterans out there that have been trying for years!

Ugh, the days leading up to the "you're supposed to be fertile" days suck.

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